Thomas and Lindsay Hodgman

Waldview Farm

235 Goshen Rd
Winterport, Maine 04496


Our primary focus at Waldoview Farm is development and sale of high-quality Katahdin seedstock for both commercial and purebred markets. With our location in New England, we have a strong focus on the traits and production systems that work well in our environment. However, we have worked hard to establish genetic connections across the U.S. and believe we have the genetics to succeed in most any conditions where our buyers operate. We run approximately 70 ewes with an eye toward minimizing inputs with a heavy emphasis on performance on pasture. We manage our ewes according to conventional practices with winter lambing, supplementing ewes during lactation, and providing creep to lambs. Ewes and lambs spend the late spring, summer and fall on pasture day and night. Our breeding ewes are flushed in late summer on lush 2nd and 3rd growth hayfields and supplemented with crushed apples which we have in abundance. Our focus is on maximizing pounds of lamb weaned per ewe and offering an environment where ewes can reach their genetic potential for productivity. Our lambing percentage is typically well over 200%. Our flock benefits from over 15 years of selection for parasite resistance and a battery of parasite resistant sires. We began ultrasound scanning of our lambs in 2019 to evaluate muscling and fat cover in an effort to identify lines with improved carcass characteristics. We have a long history of participation in NSIP and share our data with prospective buyers. Don?t let our location fool you, we travel each summer to the Midwest and southeast to meet with buyers, exchange genetics and attend sales that promote production-oriented Katahdins. Please let us know if you think our stock can help you accomplish your goals.