Robert Walker
NSIP Member? Yes
NSIP Flock ID: 640104
Number of ewes: 80
429 Wilder Hwy, Alpine, TN 38543
Telephone #
Individual/Corporate Membership, $30, 1 vote
Associate Membership, $20, no vote
Our mission is to enjoy what we do, raise Katahdin sheep that is healthy and delicious! We are located in middle Tennessee. Our lush pastures provide a natural delicious and healthy diet, as well as an ideal environment in which the animals freely graze. We use EID technology and NSIP data to be as efficient as possible in improving our genetics with emphasis on maternal traits and pounds of meat! Current President of TN Sheep Producers, board member of Eastern Alliance for Production Katahdins, NSIP Hair Sheep representative, previous President, Treasurer and Board member of KHSI as well as founding member and past President of Tennessee Katahdin Association.