Lee & Cindy Wright

NSIP Member? Yes
NSIP Flock ID: 640045
Number of ewes: 130
12333 Deerfield Ln, Glade Spring, VA, 24340

Telephone #

Individual/Corporate Membership, $30, 1 vote
Associate Membership, $20, no vote
We have been raising Katahdins since 2004, and have been submitting data into NSIP since 2006. Our flock is predominantly raised on pasture throughout the year, with some supplementation strategically furnished depending on environment, or during critical times for our ewes, such as late gestation and lactation periods. We have been collecting FEC data for our flock since 2015, and have been entering a select group of ram lambs into the VA Tech forage based ram test, since 2012. Rolling Spring Farm strives to produce quality breeding animals, with balanced EBV’s for growth, maternal, and parasite resistance, that will work in anyone’s system. Check us out, give us a call, we’re glad to help with furnishing quality animals, or educational needs.