Blending Technology & Tradition to Achieve Breeding Goals

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We talk a lot about tradition in the American sheep industry. Traditions aren’t stagnant, they get modified from one generation to the next as new information and insights are gained. Nearly everything in modern sheep production – be that fences, milk replacer or RFID readers – was at one time a state-of-the-art technology. Whether we choose to adopt a new technology is dependent on economics and those intangibles that define our unique perspectives…

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A Tribute to Dr. Charles Parker, Mentor and Friend

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Dr. Charles Parker (1935-2024) was a sheep specialist, researcher, industry leader and experienced advisor to many of us in the Katahdin breed. As an early supporter of the breed, Charles felt that Katahdins could and should be the Complete Meat Sheep, genetically balanced for reproductive and growth efficiency and easily adapted to diverse production systems. Following his death in July 2024 we decided to compile some of his advice and guidance over the…

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Preparations for Breeding

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The joining of ewes and rams at breeding time seems like a relatively simple task, but there are a lot of important steps that need to be taken several weeks before breeding that can affect both the quality and quantity of next year’s lamb crop. Breeding ewes that are in poor condition can result in fewer eggs fertilized, embryonic abortion, poor fetal development and weak newborns. Rams that are in poor condition may…

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Buying Parasite Resistance: considerations for greater success

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Often producers interested in adding genetics for parasite resistance to their flock are faced with deciphering the fecal egg count (FEC) EBVs listed on a stall card or catalog at an auction (online or in person). Is that enough information to identify a parasite resistant animal? In my experience, no. Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) provide a wonderful tool to predict animal performance, but when it comes to parasite resistance, the stated EBV often…

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Where to Buy Sheep

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We often get asked "Where's the best place to buy sheep?" A lot depends on your goals and what you'll use the sheep for, but one thing is pretty much certain: Don't buy sheep from the local sale barn. Below are some of the more common sale venues with some of the pros and cons listed. Venue Pros Cons On Farm Often lowest cost option Least chance of biosecurity issues Least stress for…

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Understanding “Number of Lambs Weaned” (NLW) Estimated Breeding Values

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We've been members of NSIP since 2006 and I must confess that I've never really understood what all went into the calculation of "Number of Lambs Weaned", let alone Genomically-enhanced Estimated Breeding Values (GEBV) for NLW. Seems most of my ewes had NLW GEBV that were about the same as their NLB GEBV, with a few exceptions. Some were a little lower and some were a little higher, and since they are correlated,…

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Impact of NSIP Status on Ram Value

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In 2022, the Southwest Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Center hosted its 10th ram test and sale. Over the years, the program has developed a strong reputation for the development and identification of superior rams for growth and parasite resistance in a forage-based environment. Historically, the test has included rams from NSIP flocks and some rams from flocks not enrolled in NSIP (non-NSIP). The 2022 test and sale data were analyzed to explore…

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Small Farm Ram Management Options

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Breeding season is here and if you want to add lambs to your flock next year you are going to need a ram. Timing your lambing to suit your schedule requires you to keep a ram separate until you're ready to introduce him to your ewes. Keep in mind, rams of different ages have different feed requirements for maintenance and must be housed with companions as they too, need a 'flock' to keep…

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Shepherd to Shepherd: Producer Forum Blog #3

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For our third producer forum we asked our four shepherds, all enrolled in NSIP, how they select their breeding rams and how they make breeding decisions on their farms. Their answers, shared below, reflect the differences among the farms in environment, markets, individual flock goals and management styles. As a reminder, our producer forum includes: Michelle Canfield (Canfield Farms, Western Washington), Lynn Fahrmeier (Fahrmeier Katahdins, Western Missouri), Roxanne Newton (Hound River Farm, South…

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Pregnancy Diagnosis

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There are various options for diagnosing pregnancy in sheep. The cost/benefit analysis for doing this procedure depends on what you are going to do with the information. Your reasons for doing pregnancy diagnosis will also dictate which method you want to employ. In general, the earlier in pregnancy the diagnosis is made, the larger the risk of false positive results due to early embryonic loss. If avoiding false positive pregnancy diagnosis is essential…

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