2024 Eastern Alliance for Production Katahdins 4th Annual Symposium & Sale

July 12-13th, 2024, Hyder-Burkes Agricultural Pavilion, Cookeville, TN

Please join us as the Eastern Alliance for Production Katahdins hosts its 4th annual educational symposium and sale on July 12-13th, 2024 at the Hyder-Burkes Agricultural Pavilion in Cookeville, TN.

Our educational symposium will begin at 9:00 am and end around 5:00 pm on.  We will hold educational sessions led by experienced EAPK members, industry experts, and small ruminant researchers with topics to appeal to producers of all skill levels.

For early reservations and meal reservations, please fill out this form with payment so that we receive it by June 24th.  These fees help the organizers with covering of the expenses of hosting the programs, lunch and symposium. 

Lunch will be included.

Cost is $50 before July 1st and $60 after and at the door.  

Kids 6 to 18 cost $15.

Kids 5 & under free, well kinda, we have to charge a $1 to as the minimum for our card processing to accept.

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