2023 EAPK Online Sale Results

Total sales for females: $28,775 Averaging $846.32
Total sales for rams: $51,568 Averaging $1,074.33

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64 unique bidders

Lot #Lot NameConsignorSelling AmountBuyerNameBuyer City/St 
Lot 1  Triple L Farms  FLE21041Triple L Farms – Larry & Lisa Weeks$545.00David Jarboe CampbellsburgKY
Lot 2  Triple L Farms  TLF23037Triple L Farms – Larry & Lisa Weeks$1,500.00Daniel Ulry JohnstownOH
Lot 3  Triple L Farms  TLF23066Triple L Farms – Larry & Lisa Weeks$1,100.00Daniel Ulry JohnstownOH
Lot 4  Meinders 2293 ETZach Meinders$400.00Zach Meinders Buffalo CenterIA
Lot 5  Meinders 3108Zach Meinders$1,600.00Stephen Reaves GladysVA
Lot 6  Meinders 3170Zach Meinders$1,500.00Owen  Weikert GettysburgPA
Lot 7  Meinders 3158Zach Meinders$400.00Lee Holcomb HiddeniteNC
Lot 8  Meinders 3163Zach Meinders$700.00Natalie Robinson JoeltonTN
Lot 9  Meinders 3190Zach Meinders$350.00Sheridan Forrest ShelbyvilleKY
Lot 10  Hound River Farm  Hound River Farm  NWT 2310Roxanne Newton$1,650.00Lynn Fahrmeier WellingtonMO
Lot 11  Hound River Farm  Hound River Farm  NWT 2347Roxanne Newton$4,000.00James Malooley McMinnvilleTN
Lot 12  Hound River Farm  Hound River Farm  NWT 2364Roxanne Newton$4,040.00James Malooley McMinnvilleTN
Lot 13  Hound River Farm  Hound River Farm  NWT 2315Roxanne Newton$1,500.00Andrew Maye PagelandSC
Lot 14  Hound River Farm  Hound River Farm 2324Roxanne Newton$2,250.00Becca Creasy MillenGA
Lot 15  NP Ranch (NPR 42)Marti Carlson$1,100.00Lynn Fahrmeier WellingtonMO
Lot 16  NP Ranch (NPR 140)Marti Carlson$1,110.00James Malooley McMinnvilleTN
Lot 17  NP Ranch (NPR 157)Marti Carlson$400.00Tim Kettlewell Stephens CityVA
Lot 18  OSF 23018  Old Slate FarmBrad Carothers – Old Slate Farm$3,800.00James Malooley McMinnvilleTN
Lot 19  OSF 23051 Old Slate FarmBrad Carothers – Old Slate Farm$1,300.00James Malooley McMinnvilleTN
Lot 20  OSF 23120 Old Slate FarmBrad Carothers – Old Slate Farm$850.00Richard Popham BrandenburgKY
Lot 21  OSF 23029 Old Slate FarmBrad Carothers – Old Slate Farm$500.00Daniel Ulry JohnstownOH
Lot 22  OSF 23122  Old Slate FarmBrad Carothers – Old Slate Farm$450.00Brad Carothers MOUNT VERNONOH
Lot 23  NWT 19089 ~ Gingerich Family FarmsSilas Gingerich$1,400.00James Gerlach BreezewoodPA
Lot 24  GFS 22235 ~ Gingerich Family FarmsSilas Gingerich$1,400.00Kyle Carroll MaysvilleGA
Lot 25  Croftland Farm PR2317Maralyn Fowler$350.00Sheridan Forrest ShelbyvilleKY
Lot 27  Croftland Farm R2287Maralyn Fowler$0.00   
Lot 28  Ewe Lamb RightDan Turner$4,254.00Patricia Harrelson MoreheadKY
Lot 29  Ewe Lamb RightDan Turner$800.00James Malooley McMinnvilleTN
Lot 30  Ewe Lamb RightDan Turner$600.00Jared Arthur CynthianaKY
Lot 31  Ewe Lamb RightDan Turner$0.00   
Lot 32  Ewe Lamb RightDan Turner$700.00Andrew Dunbar KittanningPA
Lot 33  Ewe Lamb RightDan Turner$400.00Blythe Reichert RogersvilleTN
Lot 34  NP Ranch (NPR 142)Marti Carlson$500.00James Tretter BoswellPA
Lot 35  Breezy Knoll Katahdins    PHL 22044Robert Phillips$0.00   
Lot 36  Breezy Knoll Katahdins  PHL 23024Robert Phillips$350.00Andrew Laswell BrodheadKY
Lot 37  Breezy Knoll Katahdins  PHL 23010Robert Phillips$550.00Silas Gingerich JonesvilleVA
Lot 38  Breezy Knoll Katahdins  PHL 23029Robert Phillips$700.00Silas Gingerich JonesvilleVA
Lot 39  Breezy Knoll Katahdins  PHL 23009Robert Phillips$400.00Silas Gingerich JonesvilleVA
Lot 40  Breezy Knoll Katahdins  PHL 23111Robert Phillips$0.00   
Lot 41  Breezy Knoll Katahdins  Pen of 3 Yrlg EwesRobert Phillips$900.00Silas Gingerich JonesvilleVA
Lot 42  R and R Katahdin  RNR 2315R and R Katahdin – Rebecca Beal$500.00Randal BealWellingtonKY
Lot 43  R and R Katahdin  RNR 2347R and R Katahdin – Rebecca Beal$500.00Randal BealWellingtonKY
Lot 44  R and R Katahdin  RNR 2354R and R Katahdin – Rebecca Beal$500.00Randal BealWellingtonKY
Lot 46  Ulry Farms  ULRY 506Daniel Ulry$0.00   
Lot 47  Ulry Farms  ULRY 507Daniel Ulry$0.00   
Lot 48  Ulry Farms  ULRY 519Daniel Ulry$350.00Andrew Dunbar KittanningPA
Lot 49  Ulry Farms  ULRY 546Daniel Ulry$400.00James Tretter BoswellPA
Lot 50  Ulry Farms  ULRY 565Daniel Ulry$300.00James Tretter BoswellPA
Lot 51  North Carolina State University NCS 22082North Carolina State University c/o Andrew Weaver$800.00Sandra Foster NEWBERRYFL
Lot 52  North Carolina State University NCS 22069North Carolina State University c/o Andrew Weaver$2,100.00James Malooley McMinnvilleTN
Lot 53  North Carolina State University NCS 22086North Carolina State University c/o Andrew Weaver$300.00julie bishop NewfieldNJ
Lot 54  Waldoview Farm  MOF 2017Thomas Hodgman$0.00   
Lot 55  Mad Kettle Farm Glenbrook Farm 19279Tim Kettlewell$0.00   
Lot 56  Beyond Blessed FarmMandy Fletcher$1,300.00Tom Perkins FombellPA
Lot 57  Beyond Blessed FarmMandy Fletcher$900.00Natalie Robinson JoeltonTN
Lot 58  Beyond Blessed FarmMandy Fletcher$650.00Andrew Maye PagelandSC
Lot 59  Beyond Blessed FarmMandy Fletcher$550.00Mandy Fletcher AbingdonVA
Lot 60  Beyond Blessed FarmMandy Fletcher$2,025.00Cody Brabham FairmontWV
Lot 61  BTX Bluestem Farm BTX 2346Judy Sheridan$600.00julie bishop NewfieldNJ
Lot 62  BTX Bluestem Farm BTX 2347Judy Sheridan$600.00Anita Armstrong CentervilleTN
Lot 63  BTX Bluestem Farm BTX 2352Judy Sheridan$550.00Justin Lawrence YaleOK
Lot 64  BTX Bluestem Farm BTX 2356Judy Sheridan$600.00James Malooley McMinnvilleTN
Lot 65  Reed’s Family Farm182Leanne Reed$500.00Leanne Reed FrenchburgKY
Lot 66  Reed’s Family Farm185Leanne Reed$500.00Leanne Reed FrenchburgKY
Lot 67  Thistle Grove  JRB 23022JOHN BARE$750.00Olesya Haze SpencerportNY
Lot 68  Thistle Grove  JRB 22006JOHN BARE$1,000.00Olesya Haze SpencerportNY
Lot 69  Thistle Grove  JRB 20070JOHN BARE$2,202.00David Jarboe CampbellsburgKY
Lot 70  Thistle Grove  JRB 23040JOHN BARE$900.00Natalie Robinson JoeltonTN
Lot 71  Buckeye Acres  BUL 21525Ron and Carla Young – Buckeye Acres$0.00   
Lot 72  Buckeye Acres 4523Ron and Carla Young – Buckeye Acres$0.00   
Lot 73  Buckeye Acres 4563Ron and Carla Young – Buckeye Acres$0.00   
Lot 74  Buckeye Acres 4551Ron and Carla Young – Buckeye Acres$1,300.00Tammy Grandia Apple GroveWV
Lot 75  Buckeye Acres 4592Ron and Carla Young – Buckeye Acres$950.00Tammy Grandia Apple GroveWV
Lot 76  Morehead StatePatricia Harrelson$1,600.00Samantha Musho DeLeon SpringsFL
Lot 77  Morehead StatePatricia Harrelson$2,860.00JAMES MORGAN FAYETTEVILLEAR
Lot 78  Morehead StatePatricia Harrelson$350.00Jared Arthur CynthianaKY
Lot 79  Morehead StatePatricia Harrelson$850.00CLAYTON LEMONS JoppaAL
Lot 80  Morehead StatePatricia Harrelson$807.00James Malooley McMinnvilleTN
Lot 81  Morehead StatePatricia Harrelson$450.00Becca Creasy MillenGA
Lot 82  Morehead StatePatricia Harrelson$1,000.00Natalie Robinson JoeltonTN
Lot 83  Morehead StatePatricia Harrelson$750.00Becca Creasy MillenGA
Lot 84  Rolling Spring Farm  WRI 23011Lee and Cindy Wright$750.00Andrew Maye PagelandSC
Lot 85  Rolling Spring Farm  WRI 23028Lee and Cindy Wright$550.00Lee Wright Glade SpringVA
Lot 86  Rolling Spring Farm  WRI Pen of 3 Ewe LambsLee and Cindy Wright$3,000.00Tammy Grandia Apple GroveWV
Lot 87  Maierle C097  Yearling RamCamren Maierle$500.00Lynn Fahrmeier WellingtonMO
Lot 88  Maierle D023  Ram LambCamren Maierle$300.00Stanley Yankosky CochrantonPA
Lot 89  Maierle D026  Ewe LambCamren Maierle$300.00Daniel Ulry JohnstownOH
Lot 90  Maierle D039  Ewe LambCamren Maierle$300.00Daniel Ulry JohnstownOH